Metallurgical Coal
- Complete view of GHG emissions associated with the production of saleable coal, presented from the mine perspective
- Like-for-like comparison of thermal and metallurgical coal through carefully defined supply chain system boundaries
- Includes physical production parameters, including tonnages of ROM coal, met coal for export, thermal coal and total saleable coal
- Emissions are accounted for by energy source. Methane emission estimates are based on best available data. The product includes a tool for flexing methane Global Warming Potential (GWP) assumptions
Emission data is presented as total tonnes of CO2e and tonnes of CO2e per tonne of saleable coal (thermal + metallurgical).
For our metallurgical coal model E0 and E1 emissions are defined as follows:
E0: Emissions at mine site from mining and processing.
E1: E0 plus freight emissions to port of delivery.