From our conversations leading up to and during LME Week, it is clear there is much uncertainty around carbon pricing and in modelling decarbonisation efforts into cash flow models. In the meantime, companies continue to progress against decarbonisation targets, but are these well understood by the market? Join Sophie and Mark for a briefing on Skarn Associates' latest analysis and framework on this important topic.
* The market continues to evolve, with desires articulated by the financial institutions and traders starting to bring in requirements on financing, e.g. "only finance companies with decarbonisation targets". However these do not translate into incentives that reward progress. #TheSkarnDecarbonisationQuarterly quantifies progress against set targets for select companies within a unique framework to understand each target in a standardised way.
* The desire exists within the financial community to translate the decarbonisation efforts into a cash flow model but is unsure how to do this with confidence as there is often insufficient data points to derive full cost implications, particularly so for the newer technologies.#TheSkarnDecarbonisationQuarterly collates key decarbonisation initiatives into a standardised format including key inputs such as capacity and costs, aimed to assist in benchmarking decarbonisation initiatives and translating those efforts into modellable components of a cash flow model.
Skarn Associates is the market leader in quantifying and benchmarking asset-level greenhouse gas emissions, energy intensity, and water use across the mining sector.